Category Archives: Blog
Western Day June 25
June 18 Play Date
Just in time to practice for Western Day we have our….
June Play Date Saturday, June 18th 3 PM to 7 PM
Note that Time: 3 PM – 7 PM
Use the Contact Us form for the exact location.
This event is included in LAPACC Membership, $20 for non-members.
We have new UV sun protection Market Umbrellas we can move around as a solution to the sun beating down on us. These umbrellas should provide some shade on the artificial grass, and there is a crank to upon them, so easy peasy to set up.
Our new gliders (think park bench that slides back and forth) are super to relax on during our social conversations in addition to the picnic tables and benches under the gazebo.
Major grooming of Pony Track this week
Many thanks go to Dr. Forbin who assisted us at 7:30 am call time to clean up Fred Droppings, unwrap UV Market Umbrella’s and figure out the proper stand insert.
Yes, we hired more labor for the heavy work. We put heavy plastic down under the Copper crushed granite stone to detour the growth of crabgrass on the track. It’s looking good now.

And a Good Time was had by all!
Let’s Cut to the Chase – The Fox Won!

Yes we followed the trail up the mountain, there were two false leads off the path and at the end it circled back. Outfoxed by the clever rascal and Guide who hid in the brushes while we raced by. Eventually, we made it back to camp, as the trail lead us there, and The Fox was safe in her burrow.
The Feast was magnificent!!! Kansas City Steak Burgers with toasted buns, lettuce, tomato, no sugar catsup, realish and even mayo if you wanted it. A totally loaded Garden Salad with all the fixin’s. Campfire Roasted Idaho Potatoes with melted irish Butter to pour over them.
If you missed it, you missed a fabulous time and excellent eats! just sayin’
Fox Hunting Etiquette

2022 LAPACC HUNTING ETIQUETTE – YES…it matters and it’s why we are out here!
• Hounds always have the right-of-way. When hounds are released, when packed up, or at a check, try to keep your horse’s head facing toward them so that you don’t accidentally step on them. Please wait for them to finish watering before you water your horse.
• Once the hounds have been cast, please refrain from talking in the field. The purpose of our day’s sport is to find our quarry and have a fantastic run. Even whispering can cause the hounds to lift their head and miss an opportunity.
• Please do not speak to a hound. It is never acceptable for a field member to give instruction to a hound. Only staff and the huntsman may speak to the hounds. Please make way for the hounds, but do not interfere with their movement in any way.
• When hounds move through the field, please acknowledge them to the field with “hounds please,” as you would for other hazards, such as a “ware” warning.
• Begin the day by finding the hunt secretary or a Master to get introductions and complete the necessary paperwork. The Check in is 10 am to 11 am ONLY. All LAPACC staff positions are voluntary and honorary, so we appreciate the efforts everyone takes to provide a fun day of good sport. If you have questions, a good resource is a member, especially one wearing colors.
• Always ride in a field and stay grouped together, facing and moving your horse in the same direction as the hunt.
• Please do not pass the field master. As a foxhunter, you are expected to control your horse. If that isn’t possible, you may be asked to go to the back of the field or be dismissed from the field.
• Please leave plenty of room between you and the other horses. If you can’t see the horse’s heels in front of you – you might be too close. We’re in the West! We have the luxury of wide-open spaces so you may ride parallel to, but behind the field master, providing you stay grouped together, and the path or trail is wide enough.
• When crossing steep canyons, descend at a walk, stay single file, face straight downhill (not sideways – so if the horse slips, he will land on his rump, not your leg), and wait at the bottom for the person behind you before proceeding uphill, which should be ascended at a walk. Do not lunge up hills. (This is good practice, even when it’s icy, as it prevents the horse behind you from running downhill to catch up.)
• Please be courteous to other riders and especially conscious of young/green riders and horses.
• If your horse kicks, place a red ribbon in your horse’s tail and ride in the very back position of the field.
• LAPACC currently has no required jumping while hunting. Elsewhere, if you are not prepared to jump every coop or if your horse tends to refuse, please refrain from riding in first field. The field master’s job is to ride to the hounds and cannot stop to assist, nor is it fair for other members to stop and assist repeatedly. Second field may be a better choice, given that all jumps are optional.
• When queuing up for a jump, please leave at least four horse lengths between you and the next horse. Following too closely is dangerous. If your horse refuses a jump, go to the back of the line and try again – do not continue to school your horse at the coop and do not prevent others from taking the jump and following the hunt.
• Should you see an individual who needs assistance, please offer your help. It is always our goal to extend a helping hand and help everyone to enjoy great sport. We never leave a person out alone while hunting in Middle Lion.
• If you must leave the hunt, please ask permission of the field master, and find someone to ride back to the meet with you. Please stay in your field and should you wish to ride in a different field, ask permission before doing so.
• Juniors are allowed to ride to the front of the field if their ability and mount are appropriate.
• You may not ride with a whipper-in or huntsman unless given advance permission. If you do, please make sure you ride behind them, give them room, and ride on the opposite side of the hounds – so they can be closest to the hounds. Lastly, please refrain from talking. Often, they are listening for hounds.
The Grand Champion Trophies
Derby Day is very exciting.
There is a Queen’s Cup Derby Race.
This race is for single Ponies without a Handler.
There is the LAPACC Derby Race.
This race is for a Pony and Handler together around the track once.
Then there is a Steeple Jump Race, Trotter Race and Pacer Race for the Ponies.
The Pups have a Greyhound Race and Hurdle Race.
Based on Ribbon Point totals we will be awarding these beautiful Trophies!