Get your Membership Online HERE!

Get your Membership Online HERE!
You will be going to The Ranch! Yay!
And this is what you will see:
The first two Queen’s Cup races are a Long Distance Cart race and a Derby Race. This is all about the track.
So, I made a video, here is the Track!
I am a Prize for a Pony, a fabulous opportunity and game for Ponies to play in 2022.
The Queens Cup is a lovely trophy and a cash award of $500.00.
To Enter this Game you must attend and participate in a minimum of three of the following events held at The Ranch in Los Angeles, California
1.) Romp and Trot, a Cart and Sled Pull Event: The Long Distance Cart Race (March 5)
2.) Derby Day: The Derby Race with Handler (May 28)
3.) Western Day: The Barrel Race (June 25)
4.) English Day: Dressage event (July 16)
5.) English Day: Scurry Driving Race (July 16)
Each event has its own type of race/event, and is clearly announced as The Queens Cup Race/Event.
The Queens Cup 2022
will be given to the Pony that participates in a minimum of 3 of our FIVE Pony
Play programs, and accumulates the largest amount of ribbon points,
1st Place = 3
2nd Place = 2
3rd Place = 1
This is a HIGH Point Ribbon Contest. Each event shall have one Pony race/event that The Queens Cup ribbons are awarded for. This will be a derby race, long distance cart race, western event (barrel race) or English (dressage and Scurry Driving race). Each event has its own type of race/event, and is clearly announced as The Queens Cup Race/Event 2015.
The prize is for the Pony. You do not need a partner nor the same Trainer for all events. As long as the Pony registers for the event, participates in whatever the Pony Play program for that event is (Example, The Derby – all the Pony races) and competes in the Queens Cup Race/Event for that event, then that is all that is required.
A single Pony may ask subMissAnn or any LA Pony an dCritter Club Trainer/Handler to take their reins at all the events. They will be at the all events as a Trainer, there to train, take reins, assist however they can, and in general, share the joy of Pony Play with participants.
Events using a Cart: to make them more fair, there will be one designated Driver.
Good Luck!
The fence with a gate wide enough for Pony Carts and Sleds has been finished.
The Dressage Arena/Play Area has Clover artificial Grass installed. This product is recommended for yards with children and dogs. It is dense, soft, and woven on a matt that breathes and the grass doesn’t become hot.
We need more crushed red granite rock, which has been ordered and will arrive February 1st.
Therefore, we will not be carting during the January Play Date BUT we have a huge arena to practice and play on.
For the February Play Date, we will have the track done.
For the Romp and Trot event, we will have Canopies to hang out under to get out of the sun. We will have a picnic table. We will have a bbq. Huzzah!
LAPACC Membership 2022 is $200 per year or $20 per month.
Your membership includes all 12 Playdates and 7 Events.
If you come as a Non-member: the Play Dates will be $20 each to non-members. The events will be as marked for non-members.
Our Schedule:
Play Date January 22
Play Date February 19
Play Date March 12
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday Night April 20
Play Date April 23
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday Night April 27
Play Date May
Play Date June 18
Play Date July 9
Play Date August 20
Play Date September 10
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday, September 21 at Johnny’s Pastrami on Adams Blvd.
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday, September 28 TBA
Play Date October 29
Play Date November 26
Play Date December 4
Holiday Party December 10
Use the Contact us form to inquire about being a Member of The Los Angeles Pony and Critter Club.
Our schedule by Month:
Play Date January 22
Play Date February 19
Play Date March 12
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday Night April 20
Play Date April 23
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday Night April 27
Play Date May
Play Date June 18
Play Date July 9
Play Date August 20
Play Date September 10
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday, September 21 at Johnny’s Pastrami on Adams Blvd.
Fox Hunt Social Wednesday, September 28 TBA
Play Date October 29
Play Date November 26
Play Date December 4