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Equus IPP Virtual Event Saturday, August 15

Meeting and Greet Saturday August 15 Noon PST (3 PM EST)

This is a time to say hello to everyone, chat, have side chats, meet and be merry!

Tromper and Handler Jenn will be hosting the hour.

Memory Lane Saturday August 15 1 PM PST (4 PM EST)

Please have a note pad. You will be assigned a number as you log in.

Please have a story/experience/a telling of a favorite part of Equus IPPE to share with the group. Miss Ann will call out numbers for folks to speak in a managed way.

15 minute Presentations with 15 minute Q and A Saturday August 15 2 PM PST (5 PM EST)

Miss Liza and her slave Jody “Draft Horse Headspace.”

Ferdinand and Miss Liza

Tromper and Handler Jenn “Unspoken Language of Pony Play”

At Midnight or so, after a long two days of competing, North American Pony 2020, Tromper, and North American Pony Trainer 2020, Handler Jenn, receive their mantle, sash and patches.

How to Make Jumps with Madam Shadow Saturday August 15 3 PM PST (6 PM EST)

Madam Shadow

How to Make a portable Jousting Game with Miss Ann Saturday August 15 4 PM (7 PM EST)

Miss Ann

Pony Play Red Carpet Party Saturday August 15 5 PM PST – ?

Please have a note pad. You will be assigned a number as you log in. Miss Ann will assign numbers. Time to strut your BEST!

Handler Jenn and Tromper will be doing Red Carpet Interviews with you.

At any time, you are welcome to have side chat conversations with those at the event online, you can even form group chats. This is a FREE event for us to gather virtually and connect. Giddy Up!

the link for the event:

We’re on Wikipedia!

Look everyone, we’re famous!

It was recently brought to our attention that the Wikipedia entry for Animal Roleplay references our Fox Hunts, as follows:

One group, the LA Ponies and Critters Club, takes the community idea of BDSM animal roleplay further by staging a mock foxhunt in local forested areas. These events bring together ponyplayers, puppyplayers and their respective humans for a cooperative, community bonding activity. One of the canine players volunteers to be the “fox” and marks a trail in the forest. The other puppyplayers form the pack of “hounds” that search out the fox and bark/howl to bring the ponyplayers and their “riders” to capture the “fox.

How exciting is that?

The Fall Fox Hunt 2014

This year, we had our Fox Hunt at Heaton Flats in the San Gabriel Mountains.  Who doesn’t love camping?!  With three foxes and three hounds, the Hunt could have gone either way.  But this was truly a year for the foxes… all three of those wily critters got away.  Good job, little ones!  Below are some videos.  Shot from the rider’s point of view, these videos will let you re-live the Hunt whether you were there or not!